2024 Board Elections

It's time to run for office!

Looking to get more involved in the behind the scenes and decision making for the league? We have 3 board positions that are opening/up for re-election this year:


-North Rep 2

-South Rep 2

The duties and roles for these positions can be found in the description at the top of the application or in the WCHL Bylaws. All of these roles consist of a 2 year term. These terms officially Start July 1st but there may be some opportunities to assist with transition before the current season is over. All applications are due by 11:59pm on Feb 15th.

Anyone interested is encouraged to apply with the link below!

2024 WCHL Board Member Application

If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to the current board at wchl.hockeyboard@gmail.com!